Account Management System

Account SDK

Successfully reduce signed out by 74%

I led the re-design of the account management system for Yahoo with approximately 1 billion active signed-in users to overcome the pressing business concern of an increase in apps signout rate.

The challenge was to reduce sign-out rate but still keeping the users account safe.

User Research

To understand user psychology around signout

After working with the data science team for numbers, I conducted a qualitative user study to understand the real reason for the sign-out

Two main reason for sign out are

a) Usability - it's hard to switch between accounts

b) Behavioral - Device been shared amoungst family

Account Switcher

Encourage user to remain sign in

I have designed quick account switcher. Account switcher SDK framework is design such that it can be used anywhere regardless of position of signifier

This design allow user to be signined in into multiple accounts at same time which was not possible in early design.

Turn on/off - Soft Sign out

Enabling users to sign out from single app

Due to single sign on (SSO) technology if user sign out from one account from any app they get sign out from all the apps on that device

Turn off/on feature is the solution of users need. This project and the countless experiments helped the entire team and the leadership learn about a rapidly changing people behavior and take the right decisions to ship what was right for people and the product.

Remove - New Sign Out

User can remove account to sign out from all apps on device

REMOVE word is sued to make it easy for user to understand that once they remove the account from device it will not be available in any Yahoo app in that device.



To educate users

I helped in designing the animation to increase adaption of new concept a) Turn off/on b) Remove.

This project taught me that we should always take users changing behavior in account while designing products. Change in context changes the user behavior toward product use.