
During 2020-2021, I re-architect and envisioned the next -gen identity experience to make account access and creation easy. I also laid the foundations for the OneFlow concept, now users can enter any identifier into the text field and the system will automatically direct them into the correct flow and help them to access the product as members quickly with reduce cognitive load. 

OneFlow Concept 

Easy and quick way to access product as member

I was driven by an idea from my user research and listening to customer voice that sign in, sign up and account recovery is nothing but access flow and should behave like one. I envisioned an experience called “OneFlow” that could solve multiple users problems - a) Losing access to the account, b) easy way to access the account, c) high cognitive load

Sign Up

Identifier is neither existing username nor recovery email address

I was driven by an idea from my user research and listening to customer voice that sign in, sign up and account recovery is nothing but access flow and should behave like one. I envisioned an experience called “OneFlow” that could solve multiple users problems - a) Losing access to the account, b) easy way to access the account, c) high cognitive load

Account Suggestion

The Identifier is existing username and recovery email address

The system will suggest all the accounts associated with the entered username so that users can make informed decisions.

Account suggestion was designed for users who have multiple Yahoo accounts with the same recovery email address and mostly forget their account password.

Risk Base Authentication

System decide thhe level of security based on risk factor 

I helped in laying the foundations for risk-based authentication experiences on the sign-in flows at Yahoo. This Design concept has also influenced and helped in re-architecting an existing authentication algorithm.

Progressive sign up

Collect information when needed

Progressive registration is introduced to simplified registration flow. The goal of this concept was to make sign up fast but still secure. 

Every input field was asked based on user journey and context.

This experience personally taught me that we should always take care of user's functional, emotional, and social needs while ideating. Including stakeholders in the early stage of designing helps in building robust products and also help in team building.